Ag South Appraisers is a professional agricultural appraisal service that conducts appraisals of most types of agricultural holdings, specializing in livestock and farm equipment. All appraisals are performed by a knowledgeable, experienced, and certified agricultural appraiser in a timely and professional manner.
We provide professional agricultural appraisal services for a wide range of clients throughout the Southeast including banks, ag lenders, attorneys, accountants, governmental agencies, farm equipment dealers, farm equipment credit corporations, auctioneers, insurance companies, farmers, ranchers and many other individuals.
Our company conducts professional appraisal evaluations for a variety of personal and professional needs. We perform appraisals that are commonly utilized for financing and loan packages, inventory reports, bankruptcy, divorces, partnerships, leases, insurance coverage and claims, audits, donations and many other business and personal transactions. We perform appraisals to assess both the value and condition of agricultural property to aid individuals and businesses in establishing an unbiased property value to assist in establishing collateral, investment decisions, and dispute resolutions.

Certified Professional Agricultural Appraiser
My goal is to assess both the value and condition of the agricultural property and assist in establishing an unbiased property value. I am certified by the American Society of Agricultural Appraisers (ASAA), the International Society of Livestock Appraisers, and the American Society of Farm Equipment Appraisers. All appraisal reports are written and conform to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices (USPAP).
As a third generation dairy farmer, having worked more than 30 years in the business, I have had the opportunity (and challenge) to gain numerous hours of hands on experience working with both livestock and farm equipment throughout their respective life cycles. That experience and knowledge is what best allows me to make a fair and accurate assessment in appraising agricultural holdings.
In addition to my agricultural experience, I’ve also had the opportunity to work side by side with numerous real estate property appraisers, as well as heavy duty truck and trailer appraisers, each of which allows me to provide a more comprehensive appraisal service to meet the complete needs of my clients.
I look forward to speaking with you regarding your agricultural appraisal needs.